About Experimentation

About Experimentation

I've been busy working on a screenplay and a new painting. Both projects are essentially opportunities for experimentation.  As a writer, I have a tendency to fine edit as I go. As a result, the process can take a long time and I often end up carefully crafting sections that don't serve the over-all story and end up cut.  So, this time, I decided to write fast and dirty in order to get a quick 'vomit draft' complete.

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The Joy of Practice

The Joy of Practice

I've been pretty 'creative' my whole life and have turned my hand to a variety of art forms. As a teenager, I was a competent musician, I have been dancing, drawing and painting since childhood, and I've enjoyed writing on and off since college. I've also been cavalier in my approach and tend to drop and pick up media depending on my mood. However, throughout my years of creative practice there have been two constants: I remain curious and I enjoy practice.

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